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About us

Finesun Worldwide Group Inc.

Finesun Worldwide Group was established in 1991, and the founder of Finesun came from Taiwan.

We are manufacturer and exporter of irrigation business with head company in Taiwan and factory in China.


We are constantly researching new products to offer our customer portfolio and continue to build and maintain our long term partnerships.

product is designed to give our customers an irrigation system they can depend on. We provide wide range green farm products of sprinkler , soil tester, green house, compost bin, irrigation pipe , tube ,tape,  energizer yamizu water that are reliable and help gardeners reduce water usage even make their plant grow better quality and save fertilizer cost.


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Contact Us

Contact: Sinder Peng

Phone: +886937153493(TW) +8618824875025(CN)

Tel: +886-3536-2387

Add: Louxia Industrial District, Zenlong Town, Huiyang, Huizhou, Gung Dong , China